dimanche 24 novembre 2013

How Quit Smoking Programs Boost Your Success Rate

As you are starting out on your quitting journey you are probably wondering how best to succeed. Well the answer is not that hidden but may still miss it. Admittedly there are many commercial products on the market today to help you quit. These may potentially cause a lot of confusion. Even with these programs success rates have been moderate and in some cases poor.

The main contributing factor to your quitting success is whether you are ready to quit or not. In other words do you have the will power and self determination to do so. There is yet an important but sadly overlooked secret to successful smoking treatments; quit smoking programs.

Research has shown that when you join a quit smoking program you significantly raise your chances of successfully walking away smoke-free. Quit smoking programs in most cases involve one on one discussions with professionals, telephone calls and email support.

Para-professionals often take you through the process by explaining to your the dangers of smoking, the benefits of quitting smoking and how you will gain continuous support from their program. During this time mutual trust is built which will prove indispensable in the next 7 to 12 weeks of your program.

As a result of most people simply crushing into the stop smoking journey, relapse rates and total failure is all too common. Stop smoking programs will explain to you what it means to slip or relapse and what you must do to recover. Most people do not know that relapses are normal when quitting smoking. The most important thing is to come out of them when they happen and how to plan for future recurrence. Quit smoking programs completely equip you with these important tips.

For most people nicotine withdrawal symptoms hit them as a surprise because not enough information was ever provided. It has since emerged that one of the greatest quit smoking motivators is a physician's instruction to a smoker to do certain things. It is comforting and reassuring to a patient whatever the disease to get authoritative and professional help form a person such as a doctor. This is what you have to gain in a quit smoking program.

The success of stop smoking drugs such as Chantix and Zyban has been in the fact that they require involvement of a health professional under a structured program. Constant communication lines are open between the patient and the program coach.

This is the missing link in most quit smoking strategies such as cold turkey. I believe cold turkey quitting success rates would also take a spike from the current dismal levels if people would participate in a program. For this reason more and more people are turning to online discussion forums to quit not only cold turkey but treatment based as well.

The online forums have created an effective ongoing model of a quit smoking program as that found in the offline world. For any reason if you can't participate in an offline quit smoking program enroll for free online in the discussion forums. There you will find a helpful and user friendly community of quitting friends from all parts of the world. They will help you model your own quitting program with ideas and tips that are tried and tested.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3068316

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